GMEDC Upper Valley VT


Someone you can talk to about (...)

Clarify further with a short sentence or two here. We (what you do) for (who you do it for) why (what's the benefit/outcome to the user). Use a banner image that adds value and context to the words, or we can use a plain color or texture.

TIP! Go to the Content Template for help with creating a home page headline/UVP.

Questions? Let's Talk...

An overview of how GMEDC can help your business. Option 1.

GRID STYLE. Each button can link to another page, another section, a pop-up, another website, anything you like that is relevant. You can choose to fill the box with an image, a color, or a texture/pattern. Have as many boxes as you need. I recommend starting with a short paragraph that further clarifies what you do and how it relates to the outcome (solution to problem) that the user is looking for.

This sidebar space can be used for pertinent news, e.g. Covid-19 updates, latest news, open grants, etc.

An overview of how GMEDC can help your business. Option 2.

Streamlined version.

Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here. Intro paragraph about what you do would go here.


    Short description about this with link to learn more (goes to relevant page), and/or include some helpful bullets

    • Small business financing
    • Something else
    • Something else

    LEARN MORE (link)


    Short description about this with link to learn more (goes to relevant page)


    Short description about this with link to learn more (goes to relevant page)

  • ETC.

    Short description about this with link to learn more (goes to relevant page)

Towns We Serve

Here's an example of how we could manage the location map if the fabulous one you're getting hold of doesn't work out. I've just populated a few towns and the functionality needs tweaking. I grabbed Google's image of your office as placeholder but it's too blurry to use, so perhaps the photographer could get a good shot as we'll likely want to use it somewhere.

quotesArtboard 1 copy 2

We were completely confused about the Covid restrictions, grants available to us, etc. etc. Not knowing where to turn, we..... (this can be a short quote with no button or link to a case study) Ignore the design - it will be improved upon.

Chris Avond

Owner of XYZ Business Name

We're here to listen...

to learn about your business needs, and put you in touch with the right resources.

Not sure where to start? That's what we're here for! Get in touch and we'll help you....etc. (this could be included in the footer so it's on every page).


Contact Form

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